Saturday, June 16, 2007

A Romantic Evening With T.S!

i met up with T.S on thursday night.
we had a few beers at the good microbrew a few blocks downhill from my house.
it was a wonderfully warm and bright day, so we decided to sit indoors and get drunk!
halfway through the night our friend Tim and his pal Roger arrived and we kept going.....
lily arrived in time for a drink or two, but she kept telling me off for being too loud.

here is some photos of our delicious evening.
the menu:
side one.....

side's all double dutch to me....

T.S decides to go for a draft HEMP ale to start.....what a surprise....

while i go for the very english old speckled hen.........

followed Quickley by and Alba........oh aye!

we both then went for the canadian maudite beer because the bottle looks like roger dean designed it.
it's got a laughing devil and a flying viking longboat on could it not taste good.

we were starting to wonder why the staff were laughing at us....
then we saw how strong the beer was

i then found the next level in booze......

never mix T.S with belzebuth!

how strong?

it tastes like a corona with vodka in it....

about this time i began seeing devils everywhere...

so a finnished the night off with a few of these.
please note the daylight in all the pics.



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