Thursday, March 29, 2007

i need a to sleep longer!

a couple of days into rehearsals, which means other than sam, no one has come in yet....
today,however, is the first day of full band rehearsals.
i hope it goes well.
i've got a bunch of new pedals etc etc for daniel and i'm not sure what he's actually going to use......
so i'll find out today at least...
got the good news Lucas is coming back to do lights after his rough ole' time with the arcade fire(d)....
and so it seems our new crew is complete.

Interpol Mad Squad 2007!

Bobby-Drum Tech
Harley- F.O.H
Chad-Midi/Keys Tech
Quake-Production Manager
Me-Guitars And Bass.

everyone is cool except that last guy......who can be a bit of a dick.


Monday, March 26, 2007


i'm in New Interpol tour is finally started.
3 weeks rehearsing in N.Y.C...not too shabby right?.
i flew in yesterday from New Orleans, where i've been working hard on Lilys house.
Truth be told, the last week was spent mostly on my computer sorting out endorsement issues and all the fun things that happen before you actually get to the rehearsal space......people have new gear, others want new are being re fretted in brooklyn, flight cases are being made....blah blah blah....
in reallity, i worked my ass off on the house only on friday, saturday and sunday.....
i was helping make a wooden fence in the back yard, and clearing the back yard of rubble and dirt....
manual labour basically.
i've got sore bits on my sore bits!
today me and bobby, Interpols drum tech, are going to electric ladyland studios in manhatten to pick up the bands gear and put it in a big truck for rehearsals tomorrow....
tha band will not be actually in the house until thursday....
this gives us a chance to make all the looms and mark up stuff before they arrive, and maybe get a head start on any surprises that are in store.....
there are a bunch of new crew guys who i'll meet over the next few days....
i did get a bit of good news on the lighting front....heres hoping it all works out!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

iiiiiiiiiiii'mmmmmmmm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

i finally got a new computer....
pretty expensive things, them new computers......

here, as promised months ago are the pictures of my leg with the staff infections.......
the first bunch are of the cut i had in my leg before i got the infection.
unsurprisingly i got some dirt in a wound this big.....

after about 2 weeks my leg started to heal ..... and skab up properly
to look like this..

thats when i noticed 3 spots that were really red and HOT....

first this

turning into this......

after 2 more days my leg looked like this.

thats when i went to the free clinic to get anti-biotics....
they softened up the boil like infected areas........

until they were fit to burst!

this is what came out 1 of the 4 infections (3 on my leg 1 on my left ass cheek!)

this about one third of what came out!

this is a real hole in my leg!

and this is three days after the explosion!

sorry about all had to be seen to be believed!
