Monday, January 29, 2007


today the last of the 4 infected spots burst open.
it was something like that scene in alien.
i kid you not.
i ended up with blood all over my face, paniking that i'd got puss in my eye.
it flew about 2 feet into my face!
the actual infection is not yellow or creamy like normal puss but bright green like a booger in the middle of having the worst flu of your life.....
oh yeah, it kind of pushes it's way out the skin, but it's solid so you have to pull the remaining part out yourself.
it feels unlike anthing else i've ever had to do.
my left ass cheek has a hole in it about the size of a 20p piece and one of the infections on my leg left a hole about an inch deep.
you could put a biro in the hole right now.....
i feel queesey.


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